I missed it last night.
For the last week or so, I have been diligently nursing the baby in his room instead of in front of the t.v. in an attempt to get him to feed enough during the day that he won't wake up every hour (he is distracted from nursing by everything including "Brand Power" commercials) and to try to get him sleeping in the crib instead of my lap (much easier to transfer him 2 feet then down a hall).
So, last night I was nursing the baby, he had just dozed off and I was waiting for him to fall into deep sleep before transferring him to the crib. I knew that husband would be home soon and wanted the baby down before that happened. So I had just put the baby down, knowing that he was lightly asleep but figuring chances were better that he would continue sleeping if when husband got home, he wouldn't go into the room to say hi. Husband got home right then, I was still in the room plugging in the monitor, baby wakes up. It took another 45 minutes to get him back to sleep.
Very frustrating!! For a while, I was waiting until after Husband came home to put the baby down, but then he was going to sleep too late and was cranky and didn't sleep as well. I am tempted to ask husband to not come home, except I can't because I miss him, plus this is his home.
Need to figure this out. Need to see if I can see Lost on On Demand.
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